Register Your Team(s)

Ready to join the fun? Register your team(s) now to secure your spot!

This year, we've deployed all registration through TeamSnap. Once you create an account, you'll be able to register your team(s) and pay your fee all in one spot. When we open rostering closer to race day, you'll be able to view your team's rostering status through your login, making it faster and easier to complete your roster.

Check out the FAQs and event details below to answer any questions you may have.

Key Race Details

  • WHEN: Saturday, July 12th 2025
  • WHERE: Port Plaza, Olympia WA
  • WHAT: 250m races in 20-person boats, as well as a cross-team "fun race" if time allows.
  • WHO: we welcome teams from anywhere in the world! In addition to standard women's and mixed divisions, we hope to expand to include special categories and community teams as participation increases.
  • WHY: because nothing beats a fun, sunny day of dragon boat races on the beautiful Puget Sound!

Team registration pricing is listed below! Early Bird rates for club teams are in effect through 5/12/25.

Division Early Bird Standard
Mixed Team (coed)$800$900
Women's Team (female)$800$900
Community Team (coed)$400$400

Logistics for Race Day

  • Parking:
    • Dedicated parking will be provided a short distance from the race venue at no additional charge (view map). We will coordinate a drop-off area near the venue, so that teams can drop off supplies/team members as needed before parking their vehicles in the lot.
    • That said, Olympia also has some free street parking on the weekends, so you are welcome to find those spots if you prefer - just be sure to check whether you've parked in the free areas or one of the nearby paid lots, to avoid any surprises!
  • Places to Stay:
  • Nearby Attractions:
    • Our venue is located next to the Olympia Farmers Market, so you can also shop local produce, products, and food options between your scheduled events for the day (just be sure you're ready with your team when marshalling begins)! 😉

The Nitty Gritty (Rules & Regulations)

Olympia Dragon Boat Festival Rules and Regulations 2025

The ever-changing tides and weather make the Olympia Dragon Boat Festival both fun and challenging. The rules and safety practices below are in place to make the event safe for all. The basis of all rules are the IDBF rules which can be found here: IDBF Rules & Regulations:


We've done our best to sum up all of the key race details below, but if you would like further clarification, or have additional questions, please email us at



  • When loading into the boat, paddlers will load from the outside benches first (benches 1 & 10) and then load working your way towards the center. When unloading, paddlers when will unload from the center benches (benches 5 & 6) and work your way out. Steersperson and Drummer have the option of loading/un‐loading initially or last. Please coordinate with your teammates to ensure a safe and speedy load/unload.
  • When paddling to the start line, boats will stay North of the course and not cross the course for any reason. Boats will go past the start line and make a u‐turn to align at the starting positions. After completion of a race, all boats will turn counter‐clockwise to return to the dock. The only exception will be to avoid a collision. Boats must return to the dock slowly and under control. In most cases, boats must come to a complete stop about one paddle length away from the dock and then use the side‐draw command to draw to the dock. This it to avoid the head from colliding with the dock. Steerspersons not complying with this request or following the dock master’s commands may be asked to retire for the day.
  • In most cases the dragon boat will have the right of way. However, there are a couple of cases where the dragon boat must give way to commercial boat traffic. In the event of a motorized boat crossing the course, the course marshal will stop the race by blowing a horn. In the event that the horn is not sounded, it is up to the steersperson to stop their boat to avoid colliding or coming close to the boat or wake. Steerspersons not giving way to boats or seaplanes under power will be asked to retire for the day.
  • In the event of capsize or swamping, the Olympia Harbor Patrol will rescue all of the paddlers from the water and take them to shore. Depending on where the capsize or swamping occurs, the paddlers may swim to the nearest dock.

Relaxed Rules and Regulations

  • A Crew may paddle with as few as 16 paddlers.
  • Mixed Crews should be comprised of at least 50% female paddlers.
  • Cross-Rostering is only supported across different divisions (ie - 1 mixed crew, 1 women's). We cannot accommodate cross-rostering within the same division (ie - 2 competing mixed crews).
  • Youth teams consist of paddlers between the ages of 13 to 19 years of age. The drummer must also be 13 to 19 years of age. The steersperson may be older.
  • Gender Composition Basics:
    • All Mixed Crews (Junior, U24, Adult, Senior & Novice) ‐ Standard boat crew (20paddlers) = a minimum of 10 female paddlers, a maximum of 10 male paddlers. Note that the gender rule has been modified for our events to allow for more female paddlers on a Mixed team.
    • Women’s Crews (Junior, U24, Adult, Senior) ‐ Paddlers, drummer must all be women, Steersperson can be male.
    • Open Crews – No restrictions.
  • Age Category Divisions
    • Adult Boat Crew ‐ All crew members must be 19 years of age or older
    • U19 Youth Boat Crew ‐ All Racers must be under the age of 19 but at least 14 years of age as of July 13th in a given year and will require their parent or guardian’s consent in order to participate and compete
    • U24 ‐ All Racers must be under the age of 24 but at least 14 years of age as of July 13th in a given year and will require their parent or guardian’s consent in order to participate and compete
    • Senior Divisions - Paddlers must be of age on July 1st in a given year
      • 39+ Senior A
      • 49+ Senior B
      • 59+ Senior C

Mixed Novice division composition (and few other rules for Novice)

  • A Novice Crew may paddle with as few as 16 paddlers. At least half of the crew should be female.
  • In general, a novice paddler may not belong to a dragon boat club or have raced in more than 1 festival in a year (the last 12 months). The exception may be 2 festivals in a year if they competed in the novice at both festivals.
  • Where an active club member has been involved in building/recruiting a community team, or has close ties to the team, 1-2 experienced paddlers may accompany their friendly community team in the boat, provided they are not competing on other club teams at the event.
  • Teams may use their own drummer or the Festival can provide a drummer.
  • The Festival will provide all novice crews with a steersperson. Novice teams may use their own steersperson so long as the steersperson is qualified and experienced. Please coordinate with Festival organizers if you wish to provide your own steersperson.
  • The festival will provide paddles and PFDs for all novice paddlers. Novice paddlers may use their own equipment.
  • In the name of fairness and good sportsmanship we ask that carbon fiber paddles not be used in the novice division.

Race Format

  • Novice Mixed Division
    • All teams race 4 heats: 2 prelim heats, 1 semi and 1 final
    • All heats have 3 ‐ 6 boats
    • All heats are 250M
    • Total number of divisions and heats will depend on number of Registered teams, division Championships Finals and Novice Consolation apply
  • Adult Mixed Division
    • All teams race 4 heats: 2 prelim heats, 1 semi and 1 final
    • All heats have 3 ‐ 6 boats
    • All heats are 250M
    • Total number of divisions will depend on number of Registered teams, division Championships Finals apply for Competitive, Recreational A, B & C Divisions. Consolation Finals apply for Recreational Divisions
  • Women’s Division
    • All teams race 4 heats: 2 prelim heats, 1 semi and 1 final
    • All heats have 3 ‐ 6 boats
    • All heats are 250M
    • Total number of divisions will depend on number of Registered teams, division Championships Finals apply for Competitive, Recreational A, B & C Divisions. Consolation Finals apply for Recreational Divisions
  • Junior Division
    • All teams race 4 heats: 2 prelim heats, 1 semi and 1 final
    • All heats have 3 ‐ 6 boats
    • All heats are 250M
    • Total number of divisions will depend on number of Registered teams, division Championships Finals apply for Competitive, Recreational A, B & C Divisions. Consolation Finals apply for Recreational Divisions
  • Open Division
    • Depending on the number of registrations, All teams race 1 ‐ 2 heats with a maximum of 6 boats per race for a maximum of 8 teams
    • 1st to 4th go to Championship Final; 5th to 8th go to Consolation Final


  • Online waivers will be sent out prior to the festival race day, so that all participants can complete waivers in advance, and all coaches can verify rostering leading up to race day.
  • In general, the Festival will not accept paper copies of waiver, unless an exception is made with prior approval. Printed paper copies must be submitted to the registration tent at least 1 hour before the team's first scheduled marshalling.
  • Adult Waivers - An online waiver is required for any participant who will be getting into the race boat. Waivers must be signed online by the Friday of the festival/regatta weekend. Note: If a crew member is unable to sign the online waiver, then the crew member can bring a signed and printed roster to the registration tent. Paper copies of the roster must be handed into the race registration no later than 1 hour before a team’s first scheduled race.
  • Junior Waivers - An online or paper waiver is required to participate and must be submitted by a parent or guardian. Paper copies of the roster must be handed into the race registration no later than 1 hour before a team’s first scheduled race.

Race Schedules

  • Race schedules are available approximately one week prior to each event.
  • Throughout the event, race results and advancements will be posted to the Olympia Dragon Boat Festival’s Facebook Page.


  • Competitors are permitted to use their own paddles provided that they conform to the IDBF PS202a Racing Paddle specification.
  • Friction tape and wax may be used on your own personal paddles only.
  • Competitors shall be permitted to use their own PFDs provided that they are approved by the USCG, Canadian Coast Guard (CCG). Manual inflating or auto inflating life jackets are not allowed.
  • All personally owned PFDs may be checked by the Race Officials at any time to ensure that they meet the approved specifications.
  • Seat pads made of foam or other materials are allowed up to 15mm or 9/16 inch thickness and the width of the seat.
  • Foot braces/blocks will be allowed for paddlers who have difficulty reaching the fixed foot braces in the dragon boat.
  • Water bottles are allowed on the boat.
  • Whistles, air horns or any other noise making devices are prohibited from use. Any team shall not use signaling devices including radio communications or other electronic items.
  • GPS and stopwatches will be allowed on the boat but cannot be used to set the rate or speed of the boat during the race, they are only to be used for your team’s post-race information.
  • Cox Box speaker system will be allowed to be used by Drummer & Steersperson on the boat.

Race Course

  • All races to be 250 meters total distance unless otherwise specified.
  • Lanes will be numbered 1 to 4 with lane 1 closest to the south shore (Finish Line tent side).
  • The Start Line marker buoys and the Finish Line marker buoys are only approximately in line with the actual Start Line and the Finish Line.
  • The race runs North to South.

The Start

  • The Officials will signal the crews to line‐up in their respective lanes in the boat staging area before the start of the race; the race will start without your team if you choose to ignore line‐up instructions.
  • The Starter will start the race when all boats are lined up. Under the best possible conditions, it will be the fairest start in the Starter’s opinion.
  • A Drummer or Steersperson may raise a hand over their head to alert the Starter that their Crew has lost positioning.
  • The start commands will be:
    • “ATTENTION” (Drummer cannot raise their hand after “Attention”)
    • Starting signal or air horn blast (from 1‐5 seconds after “Attention”)

Race Conduct

  • Any boat heading off course will be warned by the Race Referee and must immediately get back into its lane.
  • If after two (2) warnings are given by the Race Referee you do not take corrective action a third (3rd) command will be given to “stop paddling” and your boat may be disqualified.
  • Re‐Race Rules. At the Official’s discretion, a re‐race may be ordered when:
    • There is a false start called by the Starter, or
    • There is clearly a collision within the first 50 meters of the race, or
    • There is an equipment breakage, other than paddle, within the first 50 meters of the race (steering arm, drum, head etc.)
    • Note: There are absolutely no grounds for re‐races once all boats have passed the 50-meter mark, except one that is initiated by the Chief Official under extraordinary circumstances.
  • A protest must be lodged by the Team Captain to the Race Marshal or Course Marshal prior to your team leaving the race staging area. A team may protest:
    • Illegal equipment used by another team
    • A crew not complying with the roster/gender rule
    • Wash riding by another Crew (s)
    • Collision initiated by another team(s) during the race
    • A team may NOT protest:
      • Boat/lane assignment
      • Interference from another boat that did not result in a collision unless there are circumstances where a boat had to deviate or stop to avoid a collision
    • At the Official’s discretion, a minimum 1 to 10‐second penalty or team disqualification may be imposed for the following infractions; this time penalty can be applied to your following race:
      • Verbal/physical abuse to any Official/Volunteer
      • Crew does not comply with the Official Team Roster or Gender composition False starting
      • Failing to keep proper course and or wash riding
      • Crew does not follow Race Official’s instructions to change course, resulting in impeding another crew or resulting in a collision with another crew.
      • The use of unofficial equipment

Ending remarks:

On top of the IDBF rules, the above rules and regulations list and address the most common occurrences and concerns.  There may be some circumstances that need to be addressed separately, but in general the rules and regulations are designed to keep competition fair and make the festival safe and fun.  Thank you for your understanding.  Please email for further assistance.